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K-12 and some post secondary tutoring available

K-12 and some post secondary tutoring available

K-12 tutoring available

K-12 tutoring available

Learn how to study for major tests and so much more. Tips and tricks to be successful when taking subject-specific tests and standardized tests.

Become more organized than you’ve ever been. Learn how to create calendars (electronic or paper), manage your time, categorize, and prioritize the things that matter to you.

Are you preparing for college or interested in completing an undergraduate or graduate degree? Whatever your intentions, we are here to help. Get step-by-step assistance with your process (financial aid, scholarships, essays, mentorship, etc…). Complete the “Intent” form below and we will get back to you soon as possible.

Location for tutoring varies and can also be completed Online. Sessions are 50 minutes long. 

Intent Form

Please provide your name
Please provide a good contact number
Please provide a valid email. This is how we will communicate with you.
Service intent. What services are you interested in? Please check all that apply.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us? Please discuss in the space provided above.

Important Forms